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Новости компании

Компания DTS примет участие в Нюрнбергской международной выставке оборудования для домашних животных, с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами!

Мы рады сообщить, что компания DTS примет участие в Нюрнбергской международной выставке зоотехнии с ...

We are thrilled to announce that DTS will be participating in the Nuremberg International Pet Machinery Exhibition from May 7th to 10th, 2024!


Our latest and greatest pet wet food sterilization device will be on display for all exhibition attendees to see. We know how important it is to ensure your pets are getting the best possible nutrition, and our sterilization device will do that.

At DTS, we understand the importance of keeping your pets healthy and happy, and we're excited to showcase our innovative solution. Our device uses advanced technology to sterilize your pet's wet food, eliminating harmful bacteria and ensuring that your furry friends are getting the safest and healthiest food.

Don't miss the opportunity to see our new sterilization device in action! We look forward to seeing you at the Nuremberg International Pet Machinery Exhibition. Come visit us at our booth and learn more about how DTS is leading the way in pet food sterilization. 

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